


2023-10-04: CppCon 2023 - Object Lifetime: From start to finish

Object lifetime is one of the core concepts of C++ and understanding it is critical to write correct and efficient code. This talk provides an overview of an object’s lifetime, rules for extending it, as well as pitfalls when dealing with temporary objects. Whether you are a seasoned C++ programmer or just starting out, this talk will provide you with valuable insights into one of the most fundamental aspects of the language.

2023-07-18: CppNorth 2023 - Object Lifetime: From start to finish

Object lifetime is one of the core concepts of C++ and understanding it is critical to write correct and efficient code. This talk provides an overview of an object’s lifetime, rules for extending it, as well as pitfalls when dealing with temporary objects. Whether you are a seasoned C++ programmer or just starting out, this talk will provide you with valuable insights into one of the most fundamental aspects of the language.


2022-09-15: CppCon 2022 - Lightning Talk - Developer Grief

What do death and a customer bug have in common? Many will say nothing, but actually, we can find similarities between grief and the process of dealing with a tricky and prioritized issue.

2022-09-15: CppCon 2022 - Lightning Talk - Effective APIs in Practice in C++ - Thamara Andrade

“Make interfaces easy to use correctly and hard to use incorrectly.” That’s easy to agree with, but hard to follow. Let’s see how can we can improve our APIs and avoid the pitfalls that come from the interface’s growth.

2022-03-15: Todos por Todas - Sindrome do impostor (pt-br)

O que é a sindrome do impostor? O que sorte tem a ver com isso? Como identificar? Como eu me tornei uma impostora em reabilitaçao?


2021-10-28: CppCon 2021 - Lightning Talk - Online Tools Every C++ Developers Should Know

Ever had the need for quickly checking a C++ code snippet, just to spend some time setting up a building system or profiler infrastructure? Worry not! In this talk, you’ll get to know several online tools that will ease your life!

2021-06-09: WomenTech Global Conference 2021 - Code review: why should you care and how to make the most out of it

Why is code review so important? Catching bugs as early as possible will reduce the cost of your software, and code review can help you with that. In this talk, you’ll learn its importance, why you should care about it, no matter if you are a beginner or advanced developer, or even a product manager. You’ll also be presented with different ways of applying it, adjusting it to your reality, and how to make the most of it.

Key Takeaways

  • Code review is a great way of sharing knowledge
  • Applying code review will help lower the cost of maintability of your software
  • There’s no one recipe: knowing the options will allow you to adjust the process to best suit your flow/team
  • Even if code review is a practice estabilished, there are a few tips and tricks that can help improve this process



2020-11-18: She’sTech 2020 - Revisão de Código: Porque você deveria se importar (pt-br)

Nessa palestra você vai entender porque revisão de código é uma etapa importante no desenvolvimento de software, não apenas para quem envia o pedido, mas também para quem vai revisar. Irei abordar tópicos com dicas práticas, tipos de revisão, e como deixar o processo melhor.


2020-10-01: Uaiktoberfest (pt-br)

Hacktoberfest - realizado por DigitalOcean em parceria com Dev & Intel - é uma celebração do software de código aberto (open source). Mantenedores são convidados a guiar possíveis contribuidores na realização de tarefas que façam o projeto avançar, e contribuidores tem a oportunidade de ajudar projetos e softwares que tenham interesse. Nenhuma contribuição é pequena, e existem várias formas de você participar.

Nesse evento você vai conhecer mais sobre como funciona o fluxo no GitHub, como e por onde começar. Você vai poder tirar suas dúvidas e se conectar com outras pessoas que estão descobrindo esse mundo e também com outras mais experientes que podem te ajudar.

  • Git, GitHub e Hacktoberfest
  • Diferentes maneiras de contribuir
  • Projetos em destaque e por onde começar
