
From Chaos to Clarity - Building My Ultimate Productivity Framework

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A new year begins, and with it, we often set goals to be more productive. At the start of 2023, I found myself in a similar position, faced with a workflow that was, frankly, a bit of a mess. My system was scattered across various platforms: action items in Microsoft To-Do, meeting notes in a separate application, weekly plans in a physical notebook, among others. It was clear I needed a more robust system – not only to boost productivity but also to alleviate the cognitive overload from trying to manage everything in my mind.

In this post, I’ll delve into the transformative impact of my custom-designed productivity framework after a year of use and refinement. While I’ve tailored this system around the versatile Obsidian platform, its principles are adaptable to various software solutions. Join me as I share how this setup has significantly enhanced my work efficiency and productivity, and maybe you’ll find some inspiration to streamline your own workflow.

The base: Choosing the right software

My search for the perfect software was guided by specific, non-negotiable requirements:

  • Local Storage: Handling sensitive company information meant cloud storage was off the table. I needed a solution that could securely store data locally on my computer or on company-provided cloud servers.
  • Markdown/Plain Text: I wanted a markdown-based system for its simplicity and longevity. This format ensures that my notes remain accessible and transferable, even if I need to switch software in the future.
  • Flexibility and Customizability: Beyond basic text files, I was looking for software that could evolve and adapt with my needs, allowing for extensive customization and enhancements.

Obsidian emerged as the frontrunner – a private, flexible writing app that molds to your thought process. It met all my criteria, but I didn’t stop there. For those seeking alternatives under similar constraints, I recommend exploring Joplin or Logseq. Both are open-source alternatives to Obsidian with robust features.

In choosing Obsidian, I was particularly drawn to how its local storage option aligned with my need for confidentiality in handling customer names and project details. Its markdown-based system not only promised longevity but also a sense of independence from the confines of proprietary software formats. The flexibility and customizability of Obsidian meant that I could tailor the system intricately to my workflow – a significant upgrade from the disjointed methods I was previously using.

The Weekly Page: The Core of My System

At the center of my framework lies the weekly page - a masterful blend of a planner and a reflective journal. This isn’t merely a list of tasks; it’s the nerve center of my weekly activities, encompassing everything from planning to introspection. The structure of this page is thoughtfully organized:

  • Temporal Navigation Links: The page begins with links to previous and upcoming weeks, fostering an effortless flow through my tasks over time.
  • Weekly Reflections: This crucial segment captures the essence of my week, encompassing successes, challenges, and learnings. With the use of tags I can quickly refer back and search specific types of information.
  • Task Management Section: Here, I catalog all my scheduled weekly tasks, ensuring that every responsibility is acknowledged and managed. Open tasks are meticulously categorized into two distinct sections:
    • Scheduled/Postponed Tasks: This includes carry-over tasks and those earmarked for specific future dates.
    • Dynamic Additions for Daily Tasks: A special area for new tasks that crop up daily. This comes pre-loaded with routine activities for efficient planning such as reviewing previous weeks items, submitting reports, among others.
  • Seamless Integration of Meeting Notes: As the week progresses, meeting notes are automatically fed into this section, ensuring I have all key discussions easily accessible.
  • Comprehensive Action Item Compilation: Utilizing a robust search function, this segment pulls in all outstanding action items from my entire note database, aiding in an all-encompassing weekly planning process.

Here’s how this may look like. Notice that a few icons and date shows ups. This comes from the Obsidian Tasks plugin, and helps streamline the management of tasks.

Page: 2023 - W13

2023 - W12 (link) | Current week | 2023 - W14 (link)
From: 2023-03-26 to 2023-04-01

# Weekly reflections
- #highlight: Presented project _
- #lowlight: Delay in delivery of feature _
- #til: How to do _

# Tasks

- [ ] Report back to my manager on _ 📅 2023-03-28
- [ ] Push code on _
- [x] Send meeting notes ✅ 2023-03-29

## New Items:
- [x] Review last week notes ✅ 2023-03-27
- [ ] Send weekly report

# Meetings

- 2023-03-17: Meeting _ (link)
- 2023-03-18: Sync up (link)

# Action Item compilation

> From Magement:
- [ ] Report back to my manager on _ 📅 2023-03-28
> From Special Project X:
- [ ] Create documentation for new feature
- [ ] Integrate new feature with _

The Efficiency of a Streamlined Meeting Notes Template

My approach to meeting notes is built on simplicity and functionality:

  • Attendees Record: This section helps me keep track of all participants involved in the meetings.
  • Dedicated Action Items Section: A pivotal area for jotting down tasks, responsibilities, and follow-up actions.
  • Space for General Notes: For recording any additional pertinent details or discussions.

With a strict naming convention (like “2024-01-01 - Plan Year”), these notes are effortlessly integrated into my weekly page, allowing for quick and easy referencing.

A Thoughtfully Curated Folder Structure

The architecture of my framework is meticulously organized into several specific directories, each serving a unique purpose:

  • General Journal Directory: This directory is a repository for all types of journal entries, encompassing weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly reflections.
  • Specialized Project Directories: For long-term, significant projects, I create exclusive directories that house all relevant meeting notes and documentation.
  • R&D Directory: This is where I store all sorts of general information, be it bug tracking or development of new features.
  • Research Folder: A dedicated space for all my academic and exploratory pursuits.
  • Management Folder: A private area for sensitive information such as self-evaluations, one-on-one meeting notes, personal and company OKRs, and more.

A unique aspect of my 1x1 meeting notes is their format: each individual I collaborate with has a single, continuously updated note, starting with a backlog of discussion points and followed by reverse chronological records of each meeting.

Quick Reference Notes at the Root Level:

  • Util Note: A catch-all for rarely needed but crucial information, such as scripts, commands, and tools.
  • Brain Dump Note: This is where I jot down spontaneous ideas and observations, which I periodically revisit for inspiration or potential action.

Classifying Action Items for Optimal Organization:

  • Brain Dump Entries: These represent ideas that are not immediately actionable.
  • General Action Items: Tasks that need to be done but are not tied to a specific date.
  • Scheduled Tasks: These are high-priority tasks with set deadlines, prominently displayed on my weekly page for utmost visibility.

My Weekly Workflow Ritual:

Each Monday, I commence my week by revisiting and reassessing the previous week’s items, either scheduling them, or dropping if appropriate. It is then followed by meticulously scheduling and planning the current week based on all the open items of my vault. Throughout the week, I engage in creating detailed meeting notes, updating my 1x1 logs, and capturing general information within my vault.

The Impact of My Framework:

This productivity framework has been nothing short of transformative. It has instilled a sense of accountability for my tasks and maintained a clear, accessible history of decisions and actions. Whether it’s revisiting a past meeting note for context or recalling details from a previous debugging session, this system ensures a comprehensive and coherent understanding of my professional journey.

This was particularly reinforced when it came time to write my annual self-evaluation. The ease with which I could locate all my highlights and lowlights was remarkable. I could efficiently sift through my documented achievements, challenges, and learning experiences, allowing me to compose a thorough and reflective report. This underscored the true value of having such a meticulously maintained record at my fingertips, providing a clear testament to the framework’s effectiveness in encapsulating the entirety of my professional progress over the year.

The Journey to Implementing the Framework: Embracing the Challenge

Embarking on the journey of setting up this productivity framework was far from a walk in the park, especially when transitioning from a previously organized-but-yet-disorganized workflow. It required a significant investment of time and effort across several weeks to get it to the shape it’s today, a challenge that might seem daunting at first. Organizing years of scattered information into a coherent system was an intricate task, involving not just the physical act of sorting and categorizing, but also a mental shift in how I approached my work and thought processes.

For those accustomed to a more chaotic workflow, the initial phase of this transition can feel overwhelming. It involves critical decision-making about what to keep, what to discard, and how to structure the remaining information in a way that is both intuitive and efficient. There were moments of frustration and doubt, where the ease of falling back into old habits seemed tempting.

However, the effort invested in this transformation has been immensely rewarding. The clarity and order brought by this framework have far outweighed the initial hurdles. It’s like tidying a cluttered room; the process might be taxing, but the resultant sense of calm and control is liberating. The key is to approach this change with patience and a willingness to adapt. Small, consistent steps towards organizing your workflow can lead to significant long-term benefits.

Reflecting on this journey, I can assert that the effort required to establish this system is a worthwhile investment. It’s an investment in your future productivity, mental clarity, and overall professional development. As with any significant change, the transition may be challenging, but the outcome is a more streamlined, efficient, and manageable work life.

Final thoughts

I hope that sharing the intricacies of my productivity framework serves as an inspiration for you to develop. As always, get in touch on Twitter/X or LinkedIn if you have comments. How do you organize your work system?

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.